
The following mobile network operators (MNO) have set requirements for accessing their data for relevant Prove services. Reference your Master Service Agreement for full details on submitting the appropriate forms.

  • Verizon
  • T-Mobile
  • AT&T

AT&T requires additional considerations. Talk to your sales representative for more info.

Prerequisites Before MNO Submission

  • Give the Production URLs where MNO Consent language lives once published in Production.
  • Give the estimated timeline of when consent language goes live. Language must be live for T-Mobile approval.
  • Give a mock-up of the page where the customer accepts these terms and conditions. The customer can proceed if you add terminology by clicking Continue you agree to our T&C or the customer checks the consent box.

“You authorize your wireless carrier to use or share information about your account and your wireless device, if available, to {Enterprise Customer Name} or its service provider during your business relationship, to help identify you or your wireless device and to prevent fraud. See our Privacy Policy for how we treat your data.”

Required Language Placement

The MNOs require customers to accept carrier consent language in the customer flow before calling the endpoint in scope. For Pre-Fill flows, insert this language in the Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy and reference.

Place the MNO Terms and Conditions on either the Landing Page or the Challenge Page. Speak to your Prove representative for more detail.

If implementing Mobile Auth, place the MNO consent language on your Landing Page, referenced in Terms and Conditions.

Reference the Quick Start Guide to get started.