Prove Identity Solution

Prove Identity is a modern identity verification solution that combines active phone possession with other customer-provided information like name and address to authenticate customers

Integration Components

To implement, you’ll need the following components:

  • Prove Platform server-side SDK: You can use one of Prove’s server-side SDKs on the back end of your web application. These are available in Go, Java, TypeScript, and JavaScript. The SDK handles OAuth token management and simplifies the request and response handling.

    Using a different back end language? You can integrate using the API endpoints.

  • Prove Platform client-side SDK: You must use the web, iOS, or Android client-side SDK on the front end of your web application. The client-side SDK handles all server calls for Mobile Auth, one-time password (OTP), and Instant Link possession checks and handles fallback functionality.

  • Web or Native Application: Your application Prove integrates into.

Prove Identity Flow

  • The Start call generates the OAuth token, initiates the session, and indicates whether the session is desktop or mobile.

  • The client-side SDK initiates the Prove possession check.

    • For Mobile
      • If implementing Mobile Auth, Prove completes silent verification with fallback to SMS OTP to verify a customer.
      • Otherwise, SMS OTP verifies the customer.
    • For Desktop
      • Prove sends a fortified link within an SMS message to verify the customer, known as Instant Link.
  • The Validate call verifies the reliability of the phone number.

  • The Complete call indicates whether Prove can authenticate the ownership.