A quick introduction to building with the Prove Link™ Technology.

Prove Link™ Technology allows for a quick and easy integration of Prove solutions.

1 Quickly Demo Using the Prove Pre-Fill® Starter Kit

Use our Prove Pre-Fill® Starter Kit to get a pre-built demo running on your local machine.


The Prove Pre-Fill® Starter kit can be used for either the Prove Pre-Fill® flow or the Prove Identity® flow. With Prove Identity®, user information is not auto-filled and must be entered manually.

Start off in Demo Mode; then create a Portal account and use your project's Sandbox credentials and Prove Pre-Fill® or Prove Identity® Test Users to connect to our sandbox environment.

Demo Mode

  1. Download or Clone this project
  2. Open 2 terminals at the root of your project (Your IDE should do this for you)
  3. Change directory to Frontend in terminal 1
cd frontend
  1. Install Client Side Dependencies and SDK's
npm install
  1. Start the Frontend
npm run dev
  1. Change directory to Backend in terminal 2
cd backend
  1. Install Server Side Dependencies and SDK's
npm install
  1. Start the Backend
npm run dev
  1. Open your browser and search http://localhost:3000/

2 Review the Prove Link™ Technology Flow Diagram

Now that you are familiar with our demo, review the respective Prove Link Technology Flow Diagram to better understand the components required to integrate Prove Pre-Fill® or Prove Identity®.

3 Implement into Your Own Application

Once you're ready to implement Prove Pre-Fill® or Prove Identity® in your own application, you will need our Client SDK installed in your development environment. This SDK is required.

# Run this command to install the package.
npm install @prove-identity/prove-auth-web-sdk

Then, grab one of our Server SDKs for your backend code in your preferred language (Java, TypeScript/JavaScript, Go) and follow the guide to install it in your development environment. Our Server SDK handles the complexities of OAuth, request/response validation and parsing, and error handling.

# The Go library is hosted on GitHub so you can use this command to import it
# to your Go application.
go get github.com/prove-identity/prove-sdk-server-go

# Ensure you import the SDK in your code like this:
import (
	provesdkservergo "github.com/prove-identity/prove-sdk-server-go"
# Run this command to install package from GitHub and save as a dependency
npm install -S @prove-identity/prove-api

# Import the SDK in your code like this:
import { Proveapi } from "@prove-identity/prove-api";
import { OAuthClient, WithAuthorization } from "@prove-identity/prove-api/sdk/oauth"
# See the latest version number here: https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/com.prove/proveapi

implementation 'com.prove:proveapi:0.7.0'


If your backend language is not supported, you can use Prove's API References directly.

4 Reference our End-to-End Guide

Please reference the appropriate Implementation Guide which contains step-by step instructions to implement Prove Pre-Fill or Prove-Identity.


You've integrated Prove Pre-Fill® into your application.