This guide provides instructions to integrate Prove Verified Users. Implementation guides for server-side and client-side SDKs are available. Prove provides server-side SDKs in the following languages: Go, Java, TypeScript, and JavaScript. If you implement using a different back end language, you can interact with the API endpoints.

To integrate Verified Users with possession, use one of the client-side SDKs.

For mobile network operator (MNO) consent information in the following countries, contact your Prove representative:

  • Canada
  • The United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France

Prove Sandbox Credentials

Before you begin implementing, ensure you have Prove Sandbox credentials from the Developer Portal. To access Sandbox credentials, follow the steps outlined on the Authentication and Testing page.

If implementing in North America and International regions, you need to create two projects. One for Prove Verified Users and one for Prove Verified Users International when generating your Sandbox credentials.

Implementation With the Server-Side SDK

Test Your Prove Implementation

Next, reference the Sandbox test scenarios to test users and simulate different behaviors encountered in production.

Launch Steps

Reference the Production Launch Steps to request your production credentials.