
When you interact with the Sandbox environment, you’ll be able use the test users to simulate different behaviors. Simulate the possession checks using the client-side SDK. The testing environment doesn’t send text messages or validate real customer information.

sandbox test users can only be used with project credentials. Attempting to use these test users with different project credentials will result in an unauthorized access error.

Unless specified below, you can introduce failures in the tests that would otherwise be successful:

  • If you call a step out of order, you will receive:

    • Status Code: HTTP 403

    • Response: {"code":1003,"message":"step not allowed"}

  • If a required field is missing, you will receive:

    • Status Code: HTTP 400

    • Response: {"code":1001,"message":"field 'flowType' is missing"}


Follow these steps for each of the tests:

  • For Start:

    • Send into request:

      • flowType: use either mobile or desktop

      • phoneNumber

      • finalTargetUrl: https://www.prove.com

      • dob or last4SSN

    • Response returns:

      • authToken

      • correlationId

      • next = v3-validate

  • For Validate:

    • Send into request:

      • correlationId
    • Response returns:

      • success = true

      • challengeMissing = false

      • next = v3-challenge or v3-complete

  • For Challenge, if the earlier Validate call returned: next = v3-challenge:

    • Send into request:

      • correlationId

      • dob or last4SSN

    • Response returns:

      • success = true

      • Individual information

      • next = v3-complete

  • For Complete:

    • Send into request:

      • correlationId

      • Individual information

    • Response returns:

      • success = true

      • changeDetected

      • next = done

Short-Term Test User

Use this test user when performing initial testing with cURL or Postman. This test user skips the client-side SDK authentication to walk you through the sequence of API calls.

Phone NumberFirst NameLast NameAddressCityStateZipDate of BirthSocial Security NumberEmail
2001004000MartinaGoodram28965 Homewood PlazaLittle RockAR722047/26/1995490959347mgoodram0@nasa.gov

After initial short-term testing, implement the client-side SDK and use the remaining test users to test your implementation. Reference the Quick Start Guide to gather the required components.

Prove Identity Test Users

For each of the test users, simulate the flow in the staging environment to test out your implementation to ensure it’s working. Reference the Outcomes Table to review scenarios to test and interpretation of success and failed states.

Mobile Flow Testing

When prompted for your one-time password (OTP) during mobile flow testing, you must use 1234 to simulate a successful OTP. Any other combination of numbers simulates a failure. Use the Benji Harper user to test your OTP setup.

Phone NumberFirst NameLast NameAddressCityStateZipDate of BirthSocial Security NumberEmail
2001004009BenjiHarper27 Financial PlaceBakersfieldCA93301-242509/02/1994565252770bharperd@superstars.com
2001001699CarneyReinisch582 Coleman PointSan AntonioTX782303/3/2000166521601creinischq@php.net
2001001698EnidWildt861 Karstens CircleWashingtonDC204096/18/1996212285822ewildtp@eepurl.com

Prove Identity Outcomes and Test Scenarios

The following table provides Prove Identity outcome possibilities including which sandbox users to test with and interpretations of each success and failed state in Production. The Prove Identity Test Users table has the comprehensive list of test users including mock data.

Sandbox Troubleshooting Tips

Reference the table for help troubleshooting when success=false in an API response. To troubleshoot an API response in Production, refer to the Prove Identity Outcomes and Test Scenarios.

Server Side CallBehavior Resulting in success=falseTroubleshooting Tips
/startNot ApplicableError and Status Codes page for common 400 response errors
/validateProve Identity Sandbox user intended to fail this step: Carney ReinischTest Scenario Table for which test users fail each scenario
/validateClient-Side SDK Authenticate() function wasn’t called.* * Required for all sandbox users except Martina Goodram.Client-side SDK implementation guide
/validateWrong OTP enteredClient-side SDK implementation guide
/completeThe First Name, Last Name, or Social Security Number isn’t associated with the phone number entered. You entered Cathy Blazevic’s phone number with different last4.Test Scenario Table for which test users fail each scenario

If you receive 400 or 500 response errors when running these test scenarios, refer to the Error and Status Codes page.

If you still have issues, send your correlationId from a failing request. Use either the Support button in the Portal or contact your account representative.

Production Access

For Production access, contact your sales representative.