Perform checks for verified users session.
Send this request to perform the necessary checks for a Verified Users session. It will return the results of the possession and verify checks, as well as the overall success.
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Use the following base URLs when integrating Verified Users:
- North America Staging Environment
- North America Production Environment
- European Union Staging Environment
- European Union Production Environment
The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
Request body for the V3 Verify Status API
Client Request ID is a client-generated unique ID for a specific request. This can be used by clients to identify specific requests made to Prove Link. The format of this ID is defined by the client - Prove recommends using a GUID, but any format can be accepted. Prove does not offer any functionality around the Client Request ID at this time, and this is expected to be added in a future release. NOTE: Do not include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in this field.
Correlation ID is the unique ID that Prove generates for the flow. It is returned from the v3/verify endpoint and cannot be reused outside of a single flow.
Response body for the V3 Verify Status API
Possession Result represents the result of the Possession check. Possible values are "success", "pending", "failed", and "not applicable".
Success is the result of the combination of Verify Result and Possession Result. Possible values are "true", "pending", and "false". The success value will be "pending" until the results of both Verify and Possession are returned or one of them fails, blocking the other.
Verify Result represents the result of the Verify process. Possible values are "success", "pending", "failed", and "not applicable".