Initiate verified users session.
Send this request to initiate a Verified Users session. It will return a correlation ID, authToken for the client SDK, and the results of the possession and verify checks (usually pending from this API).
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The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
Request body for the V3 Verify API
First name of the individual.
Last name of the individual.
Phone number is the number of the mobile phone. The field is required in the Sandbox environment. In Production, you will likely pass the phone number via the Prove Link client SDK instead of within the Start call depending on how your user experience is implemented. Acceptable characters are: alphanumeric with symbols '+'.
Possession type is based on the method used - either 'desktop' if using desktop, 'mobile' for iOS/Android native apps and mobile web, or 'none' if no possession check is required. Acceptable options are: 'desktop', 'mobile', and 'none'.
Client Customer ID is a client-generated unique ID for a specific customer. This can be used by clients to link calls related to the same customer, across different requests or sessions. The format of this ID is defined by the client - Prove recommends using a GUID, but any format can be accepted. Prove does not offer any functionality around the Client Request ID at this time, and this is expected to be added in a future release. NOTE: Do not include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in this field.
Client Request ID is a client-generated unique ID for a specific session. This can be used by clients to identify specific requests made to Prove Link. The format of this ID is defined by the client - Prove recommends using a GUID, but any format can be accepted. Prove does not offer any functionality around the Client Request ID at this time, and this is expected to be added in a future release. NOTE: Do not include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in this field.
Email is the email address of the customer. Acceptable characters are: alphanumeric with symbols '@.+'.
Final target URL is only required for when flowType=desktop. The final target URL is where the end user will be redirected at the end of Instant Link flow. Acceptable characters are: alphanumeric with symbols '-._+=/:?'.
SMSMessage is an optional field to customize the message body sent in the Instant Link (flowType=desktop) or OTP (on mobile) SMS message. If not provided, the following default messages will be used:
- For Instant Link: "Complete your verification. If you did not make this request, do not click the link. ####"
- For OTP: "#### is your temporary code to continue your application. Caution: for your security, don't share this code with anyone." Max length is 160 characters. Only ASCII characters are allowed.
The placeholder format varies by flow type:
- For OTP (mobile flow): Use ####, #####, or ###### to generate 4-6 digit verification codes respectively.
- For Instant Link (desktop flow): Must use exactly #### which will be replaced with the verification URL.
Correlation ID is the unique ID that Prove generates for the flow. To continue the flow, the field will also be used for each of the subsequent API calls in the same flow - it cannot be reused outside of a single flow.
AuthToken is a bearer token for use by the Prove Client SDK.
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