Submit challenge.
Send this request to submit challenge information. Either a DOB or last 4 of SSN needs to be submitted if neither was submitted to the /start endpoint (challenge fields submitted to this endpoint will overwrite the /start endpoint fields submitted). It will return a correlation ID, user information, and the next step to call in the flow. This capability is only available in Pre-Fill®, it’s not available in Prove Identity®. You’ll notice that when using Prove Identity®, if /validate is successful, it will then return v3-complete
as one of the keys in the Next
field map instead of v3-challenge
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The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
Correlation ID is the unique ID that Prove generates for the flow. It is returned from the Start endpoint and cannot be reused outside of a single flow.
DOB, an optional challenge, is the date of birth in one of these formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or MM-DD. Acceptable characters are: numeric with symbol '-'.
SSN is either the full or last 4 numbers of the social security number. Acceptable characters are: numeric.
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