Prove Link™ R2

This document provides feature descriptions and technical information about Prove’s latest release. As you plan your implementation or upgrades of new API features, remember that Prove’s Support team is always here to help.

Release Dates
Staging: Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
Production: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024


The following describes enhancements that were added in this release.

Instant Link Error Code

The following error will no longer appear when using Instant Link on the Web SDK: status 1001 info IP address not supported.

DOB Field Format

The dob field in the /challenge endpoint has been updated to always return in this format: YYYY-MM-DD.

Multiple Data Sources Provision

Improvements were made to the underlying success=true/false logic to handle multiple data sources.

Request Field Parity

Parity has been improved on the request field validation between Sandbox and Production.

KYC/CIP API Response

The KYC/CIP output in the API specification for the /complete endpoint has been updated.

Android/iOS SDK JFrog Credentials

Android and iOS SDKs no longer require JFrog credentials to download them.